Varsha Bhambhani, founder School Of Accelerated Learning, a tech school for milennials, has actively been changing the face of Indian education from information-oriented to skill-based learning since 2013. She is a strong proponent of humanism and free-thinking, applying it to redesign education at her previous organisations as well: Podar Schools Networks, RPG Foundation & United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Networks. These innovations have impacted 15000+ learners and 600+ educators. Her work has been commended by Satya Nadella, felicitated at Microsoft E2 Conference, Seattle, and featured at UNESCO’s conference: TECH 2018. In her free time, Varsha daydreams of a life-that-could-be in a cottage in the Himalayas, complete with the collected works of JRR Tolkein, vegan hot chocolate, a golden retriever and an acoustic guitar.