Meditation seems to be the new trend globally. It’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue and even the most unlikely of people are showing interest in it and practising it.
What is it about the practice of meditation that is changing people’s lives? Why are so many people swearing by it and make it their daily mantra? From yogis to celebrities and tech gurus all practise meditation as a daily self-care ritual.
They claim that it grants them mental peace, a cool calm, confidence and clarity. The practise of meditation allows you to make better decisions owing to a clearer foundation and grounding exercises.
People are more confused, unclear about decisions and lack clarity due to the fact that there is so much on their mind. Clutter works in opposition to any decision, inhibits growth and holds back progress.
Some basic thumb rules to help you meditate successfully:
1. Grounding
Grounding is an exercise which brings you back to stark reality, engaging all the senses and putting all logic and reason to rest. The reality of the environment and the situation comes to you in deep introspection of the self. This allows you to grow more into yourself and make the decisions which need to be made.
2. Clutter Free
Meditation clears your mind of unnecessary thoughts and mindless chatter. The unnecessary thoughts and ideas taking up mental space can hinder a person greatly from reaching success. Past traumas and scarring experiences play a major role in how we decide and the choices that we make. Not dealing with the demons from our past simply holds us back from making bold and expansive decisions.
Meditation allows you to sit with the thought and the experience long enough to accept, understand, forgive and let go.
3. Promotes Self-Love
The notion of loving oneself over everything else is one that will grant a man many a success and lead him towards living his best life. Holding space for yourself above all others allows you to create for yourself the most befitting reality.
4. Calmness
Overall, the act of meditation allows you to maintain a cool, calm and a general atmosphere of being collected and stable. This calmness is generated by piecing together your energy in a way that is completely present in the situation and aware of movement and thoughts which flow our way. A daily meditation practise helps to keep this going in every situation of our lives.
5. Confidence
What makes us confident? The ability to stand tall and trust ourselves to breeze through every situation and make the right choices to aid personal growth. A meditation practise can instil varying levels of self-confidence that allows you to become unstoppable and go out to pursue your goals with no setbacks whatsoever.
6. Clarity
Clarity is the most important aspect of a holistic personality. Clear ideologies and philosophies lead to clarity in decision making and well-calculated execution of your plans. In the meditative trance, you gain a certain level of opulence which is seldom achieved in any other activity.
So how to incorporate meditative techniques in your daily life? A handy guide for beginners:
● Start off with creating a meditation space for yourself, a clutter-free environment with relaxing incense, comfortable cushions and so.
● Find guided meditations online which appeal to your soul. You will find that you are naturally attracted to a certain voice or a particularly relaxing talk down.
● Breathing exercises are very important, they change the way you perceive things and cool down your body while elevating your vibration.
● Engage in chanting and daily affirmations which you resonate with.
● Visualise your thoughts as objects, when a thought is taking over your mind, transform it into a cloud or an object and let it pass by. This technique allows you to get the better of your mind and allows you to transform efficiently.
Daily meditation is the mantra for overall betterment, calmness, confidence and clarity, the important part is the intent to get better, grow and cultivate higher values and attitudes with dedication and consistency.
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